Friday, September 11, 2020

Career Management Monday, December 1, 2008

Career Management Monday, December 1, 2008This is not your ordinary career site. I help the corporate worker who toils away in the company cubicle make career transitions. You want to do your job well, following all the rules -- .The career transitions where I can help you center on three critical career areas: How to land a job, succeed in a job, and build employment security.Top 10 Posts on CategoriesLet me tell you: it was wonderful being off the grid for a four-day Thanksgiving weekend!But, back to work and having a ton to get done over the next several days. The long weekend served up some good as well as sobering news for knowledge workers:Chicago plant workers stunned by bonusIn a story that only reads true for CEO’s and other management executives, the family owners of a ball bearings company gave year-end bonus checks to all of their workers based on the sale of the company and years of service.A total of $6.6 million is being shared by just 230 employees of Waukegan-base d Peer Bearing Co., with facilities in England and the United States. Amounts varied and were based on years of service.“They treated us like extended family,” said Maria Dima, who works at Peer Bearing along with her husband, Valentin, and received a somewhat smaller check than he did. “We won the lottery.”It is recognition that while it takes a great management team to be successful in business, it also takes workers who carry out the company mission to their customers through their work. Something that needs to happen more in today’s world.Under pressure from banking industry, US government eased lending rulesThe administration’s blind eye to the impending crisis is emblematic of a philosophy that trusted market forces and discounted the need for government intervention in the economy. Its belief ironically has ushered in the most massive government intervention since the 1930s.Many of the banks that fought to undermine the proposals by some regulators are now either out of business or accepting billions in federal aid to recover from a mortgage crisis they insisted would never come. Many executives remain in high-paying jobs, even after their assurances were proved false.The amount of pain we will suffer for this lack of regulation and oversight will be with us, I predict, through 2010 â€" and longer for consumers balance sheets to get better. Avoidable. Naturally.We are officially in a recessionAccording to the National Bureau of Economic Research, the recession began in December, 2007. Didn’t you already know?DOW closes down 679 pointsWiping out most of last week’s gains and gets us back to the stock market level in September of 2002. Makes you want to party all over again, doesn’t it? How’s your portfolio?The view from here: it will take through 2009 to get back to some level of confidence in the numbers we are seeing and the recognition that the worst is finally over. Hang on to your cubicles!This is not your ordinary career site. I help the corporate worker who toils away in the company cubicle make career transitions. You want to do your job well, following all the rules â€" .The career transitions where I can help you center on three critical career areas: How to land a job, succeed in a job, and build employment security. policiesThe content on this website is my opinion and will probably not reflect the views of my various employers.Apple, the Apple logo, iPad, Apple Watch and iPhone are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. I’m a big fan.Copyright 2020 LLC, all rights reserved.

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